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Product page

The product page displays the most important information about your products.

Ricardo Guerreiro avatar
Written by Ricardo Guerreiro
Updated over 7 months ago

Products Overview

This page can contain from one column to a total of sixteen. The page in the example below contains the following columns:

  • Category - Displays which category the product is assigned to.
    ​For more information, see: ABC Category

  • New Product - Displays with a check mark the products that are considered new in Optiply.

  • Notes - Displays notes that you might have added to this product.

  • Name - The name of the product.

  • SKU (= Stock Keeping Unit) - Product identification.

  • Current service level - This shows the percentage of products that can be delivered from stock.

  • Stock time - The estimated time when the stock will be sold out.
    (Supply_time in the webshop_products database is calculated as current_stock_on_hand / demand).

  • Free Stock - The stock that is currently physically in the warehouse.

  • 30-Day Forecast - The average demand for the next 30 days in units.

You can select more columns to apply in the column view

You can also export the information you require from this page

You can choose the format of the file and give it a name.

You can also import files. For more details on how to import files click here.

Also from this page, you can add products directly to a promotion phase them out or ignore them. Just click on the last column for the options to appear.

Product Details Page

The product details page is designed to display the most important information about products.

You can expand a product by clicking on it. You will then receive an overview with all the selected product details. The data shown here comes from your source system.

Settings Available


Related Info Tables

  • Product information

    Product Info

    Notes - Here you can take notes for this product, these will be available wherever this product is displayed in Optiply

    Ignore product - Here you can choose to ignore the product, this is used in case the product gets discontinued or you simply do not want to keep purchasing it.

    Minimum stock level - You can choose if you want to keep a certain amount of products in stock at all times.

    Phase-out - You can choose to phase out a product temporarily or not. When you turn on this feature you will have the option to choose an end date. You can then select the date convenient to you. Don't forget to save the changes in the end.

  • Suppliers
    Here you can see the suppliers that are connected to the product, as well as info on each of those supplier products. You can also make changes and add a few settings, just click on the "Edit" button.

    • Preferred - When you have more than one supplier for a product you can select the preferred one, this means that Optiply's advice will always suggest the purchase from this supplier.

    • Available - This will show you if a product is available for purchase or not

    • Availability Date - You can determine when the product will be available again ( in case of being phased out)

    • Product Name - You can edit the name of the product here.

    • SKU - You can edit the sku here.

    • Lot Size -You can set how many pieces compose a lot (lot size) in case you buy in boxes for instance.

    • MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) - Here you can set the MOQ per product and how many pieces minimum you can place in an order.

    • Product Lead Time (days) - In case of a product that has a different lead time from the supplier you can set it here, but keep in mind that this will take precedence over the supplier lead time which is what will be considered when calculating the purchase advice.

    • Weight -When working with containers or to calculate exact transport costs for instance you can add the information here. However, this does not need to be accurate, the value cannot be 0 (so make sure you have at least a minimum value here).

    • Volume - When working with containers or calculating the space the purchase will occupy, this value can be edited. This value cannot be 0 (so make sure you have at least a minimum value here).

    • Purchase Price - You can edit the purchase price here.

Supplier Products

From this page, you can also add supplier products you just need to click on the "Add New" button and this pop-up will appear.

Make sure to add the most correct and complete information possible and don't forget to save in the end.

  • Deliveries
    This table shows delivery info pertaining to the product: whether it is open, or closed. The placed and expected delivery date, as well as the quantity delivered.

    If you click on the order number you'll be redirected to the Deliveries page and if you click on the supplier name you'll be redirected to the suppliers page settings of that supplier.

  • Promotions

    Here you can see the promotions that this product is a part of and also add the product to a promotion.

    By clicking "Edit" you'll be able to change the uplift of the product inside the promotion or promotions it is part of or remove this product. By clicking the promotion name you'll be redirected to the promotions page and the settings of that same promotion.

    By clicking "Add new" This pop-up will appear and you'll be able to add the product to an existing promotion. You can also select the uplift type, and the expected uplift (if you have chosen an Absolute or Relative uplift type).

  • Compositions
    If the product is part of a composition(s), those composed products will be shown here.

  • Parts
    If the product is a composed product and has part(s), those part products will be shown here.

  • Link Predecessor

    This will allow you to link an existing product to the one displayed on the page. For more information on this please click here.


If you make a change on any of these settings make sure that the information in your source system is the same, or it is not mapped by Optiply. Otherwise the next time there is a sync job this information will revert to whatever information you have in your source system.

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