Settings Page

You can use the settings page to configure Optiply's various features

Carla Domingos avatar
Written by Carla Domingos
Updated over a week ago

In this page, you can adjust settings that determine your strategy for Optiply, as well as personal usage settings.


Global Location Number (GLN) - GLN serves as a standardized and globally recognized identifier for locations within the supply chain, contributing to better communication and coordination among businesses.

To set this number please contact your CSM or

Default Receipt Quantity - This setting enables you to customize how saved products are displayed on the Deliveries Page.

Inventory Keeping Costs - This feature enables you to define the percentage of the inventory storage cost.

Currency - Select the preferred currency from 5 different ones


ABC Settings - Look for the settings at the top right of the page. Here you can adjust the gross margin and delivery reliability per ABC category. These settings are a strategic choice and determine your purchase strategy.

Need help to choose the proper delivery reliability? Please contact your Customer Success Manager or send an e-mail to

Categories & Service Level - Here is where you can set your desired service levels. This allows you to decide which products you want to have more or less stock. In combination with the category settings, they also define your purchase strategy.

Advanced Settings

Here you can set two values the Sell Order Threshold and the History Length

Sell Order Threshold -Minimal amount of sell orders that are needed for a product to 'exit' the C category. Mainly used in combination with desired service level C = 0. This translates as you not keeping stock for a product that sells less. It also allows the product to change the category if it starts to sell more.

History Length - Number of days in the past that will be used to determine your product categories. This value also has influence on your forecast since it will determine how far back Optiply should look to calculate future needs.


Yearly Seasonality - The yearly seasonality factor allows you to tweak how much of last year's sales, along with the current trend is taken into account when forecasting.

For example, if the yearly seasonality factor is set 1 then the forecast takes into account only last year's sales (i.e., 100%) when calculating the forecast. If it is set to 0.25 then we take 25% of last year's sales and 75% of the current trend during calculation. This factor can be adjusted according to your needs.

Outlier Filtering - The outlier filtering allows to filter spikes in sales. For instance when you have a promotion that you do not want to be taken into account on the forecast as an increase in sales.

Wholesale - When activating the wholesale setting in your general setting, Optiply's algorithm will be tweaked to a wholesale scenario.

The following three things are the main changes:

  • Our outlier filtering mechanism will look at demand patterns differently. Sell orders that are unusual for regular normal e-commerce shops, but normal for wholesalers will not be filtered out.

  • A longer sales history will be taken into account, making seasonality forecasting even more accurate.

  • Optiply will not impute demand data. When there is no stock and no sales, we will not assume sales could have happened but assume the data is trustworthy.


​Depending on your integration, here you can add a source system (see page for integrations)

You can see the jobs that are running in real-time

And can also see the specific settings from your integration after you have added a source system.

User Management

Users - Here you can see the users that have access to the account and add users as well

Finance email -Here, you can specify the email address for your finance department or the responsible person. This email address will be utilized to ensure that financial information is directed to the appropriate individual.

Support email - Here you can specify the support email. This address is used for addressing technical issues, sending newsletters, updates, and introducing new features.

Make sure this information is up to date so you don't miss any important communications and updates.

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