Product information
All products with the status "active" in Picqer are shown in Optiply. The products with the status "inactive" are not included in Optiply.
Composite or virtual products
Optiply reads the compositions of composite and virtual products from Picqer and uses these to provide ordering advice for the products you purchase.
Remove products
Do you want to remove a product? First, give it the status "inactive" in Picqer. The product will then disappear from Optiply. You can then remove the product from Picqer.
Supplier information
Picqer Fulfilment does not have suppliers. You keep supplier information in Optiply. Tell us which suppliers you use, and we'll add them.
Supplier product information
Because Picqer fulfillment has no suppliers, you keep supplier product information with us.
Purchase orders
By default, we write the placed purchase orders from Optiply to Picqer fulfillment. If you do not want this, please let us know, and we will not send the orders to Picqer.
Purchase orders created in Picqer are synced to Optiply under "unknown supplier" because the supplier object does not exist in Picqer Fulfilment. Deliveries and stock changes will also synchronize.