All products with the status (visibility) "Always visible" or "Visible when in stock" / "for sale due to lack of stock" from Lightspeed are shown in Optiply. The products with the status "Hidden" / "Stop selling" are not shown or included in Optiply.
Also, variants whose stock is not tracked are not included in Optiply.
New products are imported immediately but may be delayed in Optiply due to Lightspeed's API's 'rate-limit'.
Product Information
Optiply | Lightspeed |
name | product title + variant title |
skuCode | variant sku |
articleCode | variant articleCode |
price | variant priceExcl |
UnlimitedStock | variant stockTracking if 'disabled' -> true otherwise -> false |
lotSize | variant Colli if exists → value otherwise → 1 |
stockLevel | variant stockLevel (through product variant) variant movement stockLevelChange (through variant movement) |
status | product visibility if 'hidden' → false otherwise → true |
eanCode | variant ean |
assembled | false |
Purchase price: Products in Lightspeed have a "Price", which we read as the purchase price.
Lot Size and M.O.Q.: These values are not available in Lightspeed. Enter them in Optiply, or send us a list, and we will enter them for you. You can see more about how to import on this page.
Optiply | Lightspeed |
name | if supplier name exists → name otherwise → supplier id |
country | country |
Note: a pull is done every Sunday afternoon.
If you see an 'Unknown Supplier' on the Product Details page, you must first assign a supplier to this product in your Lightspeed environment.
Suppliers Products
Optiply | Lightspeed |
name | name from webshop product |
sku | variant sku |
price | variant priceCost |
supplier | name from supplier map |
UnlimitedStock | variant stockTracking if 'disabled' -> true otherwise -> false |
status | product visibility if 'hidden' → false otherwise → true |
eanCode | variant ean |
articleCode | variant articleCode |
assembled | false |
Note: Supplier Product is created with Product Info
Remove products
Do you want to remove a product?
First, give it the status "Hidden" / "Stop selling" in Lightspeed. The product will disappear from Optiply.
You can then remove the product from Lightspeed.
Composed Products
Lightspeed does not have composed products. Tell us the composition of the combinations. We then ensure that the sales history of the combined product is transferred to the underlying products. We recommend using the Combi Product app to correct the stock of the composed product.
Purchase Orders
Lightspeed does not work with purchase orders. You have to keep track of the orders you have placed via Optiply. When you receive an order from the suppliers, you must close it with us. You can also receive orders in parts.
When an order has already been placed, and you give the product the status 'Hidden', the product will still be purchased. The product is still visible in the placed order but no longer in Optiply. In the future, Optiply will no longer provide advice for this product.
Booking purchase orders
It is possible to book purchase orders in Lightspeed via Optiply. We then increase the stock in Lightspeed with the number of products received. This is off by default. If you want to make use of this, please let us know. We will then turn on the option for you.
Be aware that you should always process order receipts via Optiply. This is necessary to keep the Inventory Position up-to-date. An incorrect Inventory Position can cause wrong order advice.
Sell Orders
Optiply | Lightspeed |
status | status |
placed | createdAt |
completed | updatedAt |
Sell Order Lines
Optiply | Lightspeed |
quantity | quantityOrdered |
subTotalValue | priceExcl or price * quantityOrdered |
Attention: Most of the time it’s a product in Lightspeed where the stock_recording is turned off.
This will result in a Unlimited_stock is True.
These products will not be visible in Optiply.