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ABC Category Settings

Setting up your categories

Carla Domingos avatar
Written by Carla Domingos
Updated over 5 months ago

ABC Settings

On this page, you can set the following values:

​ABC Settings - Look for the settings at the top right of the page. Here you can adjust the gross margin and delivery reliability per ABC Category. These settings are a strategic choice and determine your purchase strategy.

Need help to choose the proper delivery reliability? Please contact your Customer Success Manager or send an e-mail to

Categories & Service Level - Here is where you can set your desired service levels. This allows you to decide which products you want to have more or less stock. In combination with the category settings, they also define your purchase strategy.

Advanced Settings

Here you can set two values the Sell Order Threshold and the History Length:

Sell Order Threshold -Minimal amount of sell orders that are needed for a product to 'exit' the C category. Mainly used in combination with desired service level C = 0. This translates as you not keeping stock for a product that sells less. It also allows the product to change the category if it starts to sell more.

History Length - Number of days in the past that will be used to determine your product categories. This value also has influence on your forecast since it will determine how far back Optiply should look to calculate future needs.

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