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Export your data into a CSV or XLSX file.

Ricardo Guerreiro avatar
Written by Ricardo Guerreiro
Updated over 2 months ago

You can export most tables as a .csv, .xlsx or .pdf file from your Optiply app. Some exported files are saved on the exports page in Optiply and others will be downloaded automatically. We will explain how further down.

Before you follow the steps, check if you have this feature active on Optiply. If not, please open a chat or email to ask us to turn on this feature for you!

Exports per page

  • Export from the purchase page

  • Export from the Deliveries page

  • Export from the product page

  • Export from the supplier page

  • Export from the promotions page

Navigate to the page and table that you would like to export. Choose the filters and columns you want on your export.

Click Export as in the top right of the page


In the Export dialogue, select your preferences, give a name to the file if you want a specific one and click Export.

The columns and row selection will be respected when exporting a table.

The exported file is saved in the Exports folder in Optiply when it is ready. If the export is generated fast enough, it will automatically be downloaded to your PC.

Note: make sure to download your exports from your Exports page. The exports page will be cleared periodically.

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