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How do I send my order by e-mail using Optiply?
How do I send my order by e-mail using Optiply?

In Optiply you have the option to email your supplier when you order, here is a description of how you can do this.

Ricardo Guerreiro avatar
Written by Ricardo Guerreiro
Updated over 3 months ago

This article is only meant for webshops that use our purchasing module.

Set up

In Optiply you can send your orders by e-mail to your supplier. You can set up multiple email addresses per supplier.

You have 3 forms of setting up email for suppliers. The first one is the one from Settings and you can find it by going to Settings and clicking on Email Settings.

The second option is from the supplier page.

To add an email to a supplier, go to Suppliers and choose the supplier you need, click on the Communication tag and select the option email.

If you select the option Custom email template you will be able to add an email template

You can add e-mail addresses, which are then placed in the CC by default with each order.

The third option is from User preferences.

To set a template for your sent e-mails you can also go to your account and select User Preferences and Email Settings you'll find the E-mail templates here.

You can set a template with the following E-mail variables: {{}}, {{orderId}}, {{}} This will fill in the information automatically both for you and the supplier.

You can also define your predefined language.

It is possible to choose the sender of that email all you have to do is change the address in the option From.

To help you along you can find examples of how a template can be in 3 languages bellow:


subject: Purchase Order {{orderId}} from {{}}


Dear {{}},

Enclosed with this e-mail is our purchase order with id: {{orderId}}.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,



subject: Inkooporder {{orderId}} van {{}}


Beste {{}},

Bij deze e-mail vindt u onze inkooprder met ID: {{orderId}}.

Bij voorbaat dank.

Met vriendelijke groet,




Bestellnummer {{orderId}} von {{}}


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Im Anhang dieser E-Mail finden Sie unsere Bestellung mit ID: {{orderId}}.

Vielen Dank im Voraus.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,



After you have prepared an order, by pressing 'Place order', a pop-up will appear in which you can indicate that you want to send the order by e-mail. If you have linked an e-mail address to this supplier, it will automatically appear on the screen. You can also change the text of the e-mail if you wish. Then click on 'Confirm order' to send the e-mail that contains the order.

What if my e-mail doesn't send?

In case you receive an error message after or while sending an order by e-mail, you can solve this by the following method. First, check whether the order has been saved in Optiply, you can see this on the purchase page. Then export the order list and send it manually by e-mail to the supplier. The maximum number of characters in an e-mail is 500.

Also, reach out to our customer support at and we'll be happy to help.

Note: We will send the e-mails from your e-mail address, which may end up in the spam box of the supplier. Always ask the first time if the e-mail has been received correctly.

Having these 3 ways to set email for suppliers allows you to also attribute a hierarchy in the order you send them. This way you can set different templates for the same supplier but for different users.
So this is the priority order:
Supplier template (set in the supplier page)
User template (set in the user Settings)
General ( set in the Settings /email settings)

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