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Import supplier-product data
Import supplier-product data

Linking products to suppliers can be done in several ways. The frontend and the API are preferred.

Ricardo Guerreiro avatar
Written by Ricardo Guerreiro
Updated over 2 months ago

There is more than one way to import supplier-product data to Optiply. Besides manually linking suppliers, you can also send this information via the API, if you can't or don't want to use this, it's also possible to send us a list of product-supplier combinations.

The information must be provided in a fixed format. The file must be a CSV file, separated by commas. Send the file to, and we will process the list for you within 48 hours.

It is also possible to create suppliers and update supplier data.

To use imports in Optiply's app you need to go to the suppliers page and select imports

Once you have selected imports follow the instructions in this short video:

You can also update existing suppliers in the example of the short video below we left some incorrect data deliberately so you can see how that information is displayed and how to correct it:

It is really important to create a file with the correct column names so that the import will be processed correctly. So if you create an export and edit it to then import make sure the columns have the correct names as listed below since they are not exactly the same as in the export.

Supplier-product updates

To link products to suppliers, you need to know which product it concerns and which supplier. Provide the SKU code or the EAN code per product with which you recognize the product.

skuCode (required): SKU code of the product you sell in the webshop, as it is in your system.

supplierName (required): The supplier's name as it appears in Optiply.

eanCode: The EAN code of the product you sell in the webshop, as it is in your system.

You can provide one or the other, but if you provide us with both skuCode and eanCode, we ignore the eanCode when matching the product with the supplier.

Besides the skuCode or the eanCode, we need the 'supplierName' for which you want to upload the information.

If the supplier does not exist in the system, we will create it so that it's possible to link the products and create the supplier products.

The supplier will be created without any settings (which need to be set by the user).

An example of a file:

123-ABC,Supplier A,0.19
898-OIU,Supplier B,53.60
093-PEX,Supplier B,27
098-WEK,Supplier C,100.00

You can find a template of this file here.

If you want to link a new supplier to a product, always add the 'supplierProductName'!

Other information

In addition to the above minimum information, you can list the following supplier information. These columns are not mandatory:

Don't use a different decimal separator than a dot. Also, don't use a 1000 separator or currency sign.

price: the purchase price of the product from the relevant supplier.

minimumPurchaseQuantity: (integer) minimum order quantity of the product from this supplier,

lotSize: (integer) box size, "order by" of the product from this supplier

preferred: (TRUE/ FALSE), applicable when you purchase the product from multiple suppliers. True indicates that this is your preferred supplier of choice.

supplierProductName: the name the supplier gives to the product.

supplierSkuCode: the SKU code that the supplier gives to the product.

supplierEanCode: the EAN code that the supplier gives to the product.

supplierArticleCode: the article code that the supplier gives to the product.

availability: (TRUE / FALSE), the product's availability from that vendor.

availabilityDate: (YYYY-MM-DD) the date when the product is available again from that vendor.

status: (enabled / disabled), the state of the supplier product from that vendor.

weight_in_grams: weight (grams) of the product so it can be calculated for the container fill rate.

volume_in_cm3: volume (cm3) of the product so it can be calculated for the container fill rate.

freeStock: stock available for purchase at this supplier.

deliveryTime: supplier lead time per supplier product (overwrites what is configured in supplier settings).

An example of a more complex file can be:

skuCode,supplierName,price,supplierEanCode,minimumPurchaseQuantity,lotSize,preferred,availability,availabilityDate,status,weight_in_grams, volume_in_cm3
123-ABC,Supplier A,0.19,0021153262177,1,5,TRUE,FALSE,2022-11-01,enabled,15,0.3
898-OIU,Supplier B,53.60,3975534109791,9,3,FALSE,FALSE,2022-11-01,disabled,1000,25
093-PEX,Supplier B,27,9333953554579,600,10,TRUE,TRUE,,,
098-WEK,Supplier C,100.00,5783611919761,1,1,TRUE,TRUE,,,
098-WEK,Supplier D,98.00,8483849303029,1,1,TRUE,TRUE,,,


If the link between the supplier and the product already exists, we overwrite the existing data with new data in the last CSV file transmitted.

If either the SKU code or the supplier name does not exactly match the name or SKU code in our system, we cannot upload the information, and it will not be processed.

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